The memorable events with friends and family can be held everywhere. But, if you want to celebrate those events while enjoying the open air, plus seeing attractive view, it can be done in Rooftop Ladja Hotel. It was said by Helena Eureka (27) in Ladja Hotel lobby.
Before she decided to have a party in Rooftop Ladja Hotel, this CU Keling Kumang member in Rumah Puyung Branch Office also added that she and her friends had surveyed some other places.Her friend, Novi Sung who was going to throw her birthday party in Rooftop Ladja Hotel,also recommended her to take that place.
“Rooftop Ladja Hotel offers two options about the dish. It can be ordered in Rooftop or prepared by the customer her/ himself. At that time, I held a party from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m., and I chose to bring my own dish. I used the equipment owned by Ladja Hotel to eat and drink,” said Helena.
Helena opined that the stairs to get the Rooftop made her tired. ”I think only under 40 can get the Rooftop easily,” she smirked.
Besides, she uttered that the service is good and the place is cozy. She added that Rooftop Ladja Hotel is easy to reach because it is on Y. C. Oevang Oeray Street, and the parking space is quite large.
At the end of our conversation, this mother of two admitted that Ladja Hotel owned by Keling Kumang Group makes her proud as a member of CU Keling Kumang. (Kris Lucas)